SavingSingleMothers was birthed out of our Founders passion to help single mothers as often as she could, whenever she could. She started simply by word of mouth using her own personal funds to pay small utility, rent, or cell phone bills for young women who were really struggling to find their way. She realized that, but for God, she too could have been in a similar situation as she was a single parent at a very young age. Now, in just a years time, SavingSingleMothers is approaching close to 100 single mothers served and we are growing each day.

SavingSingleMothers relies on the assistance of people like you to make donations so that we may continue to support single mothers. Our goal is to develop one SavingSingleMothers ambassador in at least every state…and at some point, maybe even every city! The point is, we know there are single mothers everywhere who need our help. So many of us “once upon a time” single mothers have been there and recognize that if someone had stepped up and paid a bill, saved utilities from being disconnected, or sent some diapers and milk, that we could have been one step closer to where we needed to be. We give out of the love and compassion that Jesus exhibited as we are simply his vessels.

Thank you immensely for your support!